Beyond First Sight: Understanding the Foundations of True Love
The Wingwoman
Change You Can Believe In: Yourself
Quick to Pass Judgment
Why Some People Hate Valentine’s Day
I’m Single on Valentine’s Day
My Secret Social Identity
What Exactly Is Dating? It’s Ambiguous.
Why Love Is Not a First Sight Thing
Chivalry Makes Women Feel Good
Relationship Experts: Hate The Player Or The Game?
The Double Standard of Men and Women
The Double Standard of Men and Women
The Double Standard of Men and Women
8 Ways to Make a Guy Not Want to Sleep with You
8 Ways to Make a Woman NOT Want to Sleep with You
15jackie March 5, 2010 at 7:12 AM
Bill, when I first read this, I thought maybe our differences in viewpoints might due to a generation gap–I havent heard anyone use the expression ‘third base’ since third grade. But if my math is correct, you got married somewhere in the late 60s/early 70s, which means you came to adulthood during the American sexual revolution. I guess masturbation and premarital sex were invented in the 80s.
In any case, yes, I do think a lot of myself, but never do I make the claim that I ‘understand women.’ That’s tantamount to saying I understand quantum physics: I appreciate the inexplicable beauty of quadratic equations, but make to claim to be able to fathom the depth of pi. This story was never meant to demonstrate perspicacity of the female mind; it was presented to expound in an unfiltered way on the mind of men in general and myself in particular.
A couple more quick points. Should every woman I’m mildly attracted to be dying to have sex with me? I certainly hope not, I just haven’t the time. All kidding aside, I’m on record as saying entering into a sexual relationship with anyone is based on a complex set of variables. Bottom line: go with the flow. That might mean first night nookie, as it did in this case, or waiting five years to marry a virgin. Am I happy? Most of the time, but I tend to see happiness as ebb and flow; everyone has times in their life when they will be happy or sad, and I accept that and everything that comes in-between. As a final thought, kudos on your lasting marriage. I certainly hope it means you are happily married, but I know duration is no guarantee of happiness. My ex-wife’s parents have been married for over forty years and will never separate, they just hate each other.
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Change You Can Believe In: Yourself
Quick to Pass Judgment
Why Some People Hate Valentine’s Day
I’m Single on Valentine’s Day
My Secret Social Identity
What Exactly Is Dating? It’s Ambiguous.
Why Love Is Not a First Sight Thing
Chivalry Makes Women Feel Good
Relationship Experts: Hate The Player Or The Game?
The Double Standard of Men and Women
The Double Standard of Men and Women
The Double Standard of Men and Women
8 Ways to Make a Guy Not Want to Sleep with You
8 Ways to Make a Woman NOT Want to Sleep with You
15jackie March 5, 2010 at 7:12 AM
Bill, when I first read this, I thought maybe our differences in viewpoints might due to a generation gap–I havent heard anyone use the expression ‘third base’ since third grade. But if my math is correct, you got married somewhere in the late 60s/early 70s, which means you came to adulthood during the American sexual revolution. I guess masturbation and premarital sex were invented in the 80s.
In any case, yes, I do think a lot of myself, but never do I make the claim that I ‘understand women.’ That’s tantamount to saying I understand quantum physics: I appreciate the inexplicable beauty of quadratic equations, but make to claim to be able to fathom the depth of pi. This story was never meant to demonstrate perspicacity of the female mind; it was presented to expound in an unfiltered way on the mind of men in general and myself in particular.
A couple more quick points. Should every woman I’m mildly attracted to be dying to have sex with me? I certainly hope not, I just haven’t the time. All kidding aside, I’m on record as saying entering into a sexual relationship with anyone is based on a complex set of variables. Bottom line: go with the flow. That might mean first night nookie, as it did in this case, or waiting five years to marry a virgin. Am I happy? Most of the time, but I tend to see happiness as ebb and flow; everyone has times in their life when they will be happy or sad, and I accept that and everything that comes in-between. As a final thought, kudos on your lasting marriage. I certainly hope it means you are happily married, but I know duration is no guarantee of happiness. My ex-wife’s parents have been married for over forty years and will never separate, they just hate each other.
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