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Abstinence is NOT the Answer
Abstinence is NOT the Answer
How Pocket-Dialing Can C*ckblock You
Attack of The Killer Ex
How To Deal With A Psycho Ex During The Holidays
Attention Mongers Crybabies and Dramaheads
25 Signals You're Not Ready For a Online Dating
5 Skills Every Man And Woman Should Master
Can Sex Be A Laughing Matter?
The Sh*t Women Say That Piss Off Men
Dating a Jersey Shore Fan
Dealing With Exes on Valentine’s Day
A Decent Girl For a Nice Guy
When going on dates, I am very selective about which online personals ads I find them on. If I’m looking for a casual hookup, I just hit up the sex personals. Although, if I’m seeking a connection with someone, I tend to stay away from the ads and go for sites that offer love and passion as their incentives to join. So I met this woman a few months back and she seemed perfect to me. I wanted to whine and dine her and I even took her out on a few dates before I even tried to feel her up.
However, when we got to date three and I tried to feel how big her bra cup size was, she freaked out. She told me she was the dreaded “C” word. No, it’s not the word you’re thinking: Celibate. Seriously, what the fuck?
Who the hell wants to be celibate these days unless you’re an ignorant Bible thumper? I understand ladies, if you want to take things slow, but let’s get real here: there’s no way you will be able to have the lasting connection you want with a man without having sex.
Sex is great for a relationship. It’s needed at least three times a week to maintain a healthy one. It makes us want to listen to the annoying anecdotes of your day and makes us want to send you those mushy texts you love so much. If you take sex out of the equation, then you’re taking your love life with it.
We were put on this Earth to fuck. Plain and simple. If you think abstaining from doing something that is perfectly natural is healthy for you, then you are wrong. Also, you are most likely a hypocrite because most ladies I know that “claim” to be celibate also are the biggest cocksuckers I’ve ever met. Seriously, Al Swearengen from Deadwood would be proud.
Having sex does not make you a whore and abstaining from it will not guarantee you avoiding a broken heart either. Life is too short to be a dry humping prude. Just saying.
Attack of The Killer Ex
How To Deal With A Psycho Ex During The Holidays
Attention Mongers Crybabies and Dramaheads
25 Signals You're Not Ready For a Online Dating
5 Skills Every Man And Woman Should Master
Can Sex Be A Laughing Matter?
The Sh*t Women Say That Piss Off Men
Dating a Jersey Shore Fan
Dealing With Exes on Valentine’s Day
A Decent Girl For a Nice Guy
When going on dates, I am very selective about which online personals ads I find them on. If I’m looking for a casual hookup, I just hit up the sex personals. Although, if I’m seeking a connection with someone, I tend to stay away from the ads and go for sites that offer love and passion as their incentives to join. So I met this woman a few months back and she seemed perfect to me. I wanted to whine and dine her and I even took her out on a few dates before I even tried to feel her up.
However, when we got to date three and I tried to feel how big her bra cup size was, she freaked out. She told me she was the dreaded “C” word. No, it’s not the word you’re thinking: Celibate. Seriously, what the fuck?
Who the hell wants to be celibate these days unless you’re an ignorant Bible thumper? I understand ladies, if you want to take things slow, but let’s get real here: there’s no way you will be able to have the lasting connection you want with a man without having sex.
Sex is great for a relationship. It’s needed at least three times a week to maintain a healthy one. It makes us want to listen to the annoying anecdotes of your day and makes us want to send you those mushy texts you love so much. If you take sex out of the equation, then you’re taking your love life with it.
We were put on this Earth to fuck. Plain and simple. If you think abstaining from doing something that is perfectly natural is healthy for you, then you are wrong. Also, you are most likely a hypocrite because most ladies I know that “claim” to be celibate also are the biggest cocksuckers I’ve ever met. Seriously, Al Swearengen from Deadwood would be proud.
Having sex does not make you a whore and abstaining from it will not guarantee you avoiding a broken heart either. Life is too short to be a dry humping prude. Just saying.
Début de l'événement
Fin de l'événement
Addressing Conservative Critiques of Modern Relationships
Addressing Conservative Critiques of Modern Relationships
A Few Thoughts on Conflict in Dating
Why Trying to "Be More Feminine or Masculine" is a Trap
"Not Good Enough"
Chasing After Instant Chemistry is Foolish
Does Longevity in the Past = Mature Dater Today?
Are You Really Prepared for a Relationship?
Guys Don’t Want to Date “One of The Guys”
Things I Have Learned About Dating
Fear in Dating and Relationships
Does the Person You're Dating Make You Smile
Marrige and Happiness
Is Your Resolution to Find Love in the New Year?
Disappearing Dates
Also, if you’re going to compare bisexuality to finger length or nose size or whatever, please get back to me with a list of countries where you can get jailed, killed, fired, denied housing, not allowed to adopt or marry, etc, etc, for either of those things. I’ll be waiting breathlessly.
But I did not compare these things in this sense, so I needn’t meet your request.
Certainly the former
Oh, aren’t you clever!
But of course I would say that it is in fact wholly unnecessary for anyone to dedicate a day to celebrating or taking pride in their sexual orientation.
Yes. It’s also unnecessary to comment on Feministe. I hereby shame you for being here. I see no requirement for you here. Shame on you for commenting. Shaaaaame.
I am asserting that it is just daft for anyone to so dedicate a day.
Ooh, ableism! Tell me more! I must know more about your assertions.
Also, no, I’m not going to answer your question. Why? Because I’m a jerk like that, but mostly because it should be perfectly obvious to you why massive institutionalised discrimination often requires a dose of community support and awareness.
Oh, aren’t you clever!
Not especially, no.
Yes. It’s also unnecessary to comment on Feministe. I hereby shame you for being here. I see no requirement for you here. Shame on you for commenting. Shaaaaame.
Clearly, I was suggesting that there is no reason to dedicate a day to celebrating or taking pride in one’s sexual orientation. Discussion can be ambiguous enough without one interlocutor purposefully misreading the other.
Why Trying to "Be More Feminine or Masculine" is a Trap
"Not Good Enough"
Chasing After Instant Chemistry is Foolish
Does Longevity in the Past = Mature Dater Today?
Are You Really Prepared for a Relationship?
Guys Don’t Want to Date “One of The Guys”
Things I Have Learned About Dating
Fear in Dating and Relationships
Does the Person You're Dating Make You Smile
Marrige and Happiness
Is Your Resolution to Find Love in the New Year?
Disappearing Dates
Also, if you’re going to compare bisexuality to finger length or nose size or whatever, please get back to me with a list of countries where you can get jailed, killed, fired, denied housing, not allowed to adopt or marry, etc, etc, for either of those things. I’ll be waiting breathlessly.
But I did not compare these things in this sense, so I needn’t meet your request.
Certainly the former
Oh, aren’t you clever!
But of course I would say that it is in fact wholly unnecessary for anyone to dedicate a day to celebrating or taking pride in their sexual orientation.
Yes. It’s also unnecessary to comment on Feministe. I hereby shame you for being here. I see no requirement for you here. Shame on you for commenting. Shaaaaame.
I am asserting that it is just daft for anyone to so dedicate a day.
Ooh, ableism! Tell me more! I must know more about your assertions.
Also, no, I’m not going to answer your question. Why? Because I’m a jerk like that, but mostly because it should be perfectly obvious to you why massive institutionalised discrimination often requires a dose of community support and awareness.
Oh, aren’t you clever!
Not especially, no.
Yes. It’s also unnecessary to comment on Feministe. I hereby shame you for being here. I see no requirement for you here. Shame on you for commenting. Shaaaaame.
Clearly, I was suggesting that there is no reason to dedicate a day to celebrating or taking pride in one’s sexual orientation. Discussion can be ambiguous enough without one interlocutor purposefully misreading the other.
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atelier br1c0le
atelier br1c0le
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21.02.2024 - 16:00
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21.02.2024 - 18:00
atelier bricole
atelier bricole
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24.01.2024 - 16:00
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24.01.2024 - 18:00
atelier bricole
atelier bricole
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14.02.2024 - 16:00
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14.02.2024 - 18:00
Atelier bricole
Atelier bricole
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13.03.2024 - 16:00
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13.03.2024 - 17:30
atelier bricole - 3r1am
atelier bricole - 3r1am
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13.12.2023 - 14:00
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13.12.2023 - 17:00
atelier bricole - F0rth
atelier bricole - F0rth
Bricoler pour ne pas jeter
Début de l'événement
22.11.2023 - 16:00
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22.11.2023 - 18:00
53 bis rue Camille Buffardel
Code postal
atelier bricole - F0rth
atelier bricole - F0rth
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10.01.2024 - 16:00
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10.01.2024 - 18:00
atelier bricole - F0rth
atelier bricole - F0rth
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17.01.2024 - 16:00
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17.01.2024 - 18:00
atelier bricole / auto-réparation
atelier bricole / auto-réparation
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06.03.2024 - 16:00
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06.03.2024 - 18:00
atelier bricole/autoréparation
atelier bricole/autoréparation
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28.02.2024 - 16:00
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28.02.2024 - 18:00
atelier réseau - F0rth
atelier réseau - F0rth
Début de l'événement
27.11.2023 - 14:00
Fin de l'événement
27.11.2023 - 17:00
Beyond First Sight: Understanding the Foundations of True Love
Beyond First Sight: Understanding the Foundations of True Love
The Wingwoman
Change You Can Believe In: Yourself
Quick to Pass Judgment
Why Some People Hate Valentine’s Day
I’m Single on Valentine’s Day
My Secret Social Identity
What Exactly Is Dating? It’s Ambiguous.
Why Love Is Not a First Sight Thing
Chivalry Makes Women Feel Good
Relationship Experts: Hate The Player Or The Game?
The Double Standard of Men and Women
The Double Standard of Men and Women
The Double Standard of Men and Women
8 Ways to Make a Guy Not Want to Sleep with You
8 Ways to Make a Woman NOT Want to Sleep with You
15jackie March 5, 2010 at 7:12 AM
Bill, when I first read this, I thought maybe our differences in viewpoints might due to a generation gap–I havent heard anyone use the expression ‘third base’ since third grade. But if my math is correct, you got married somewhere in the late 60s/early 70s, which means you came to adulthood during the American sexual revolution. I guess masturbation and premarital sex were invented in the 80s.
In any case, yes, I do think a lot of myself, but never do I make the claim that I ‘understand women.’ That’s tantamount to saying I understand quantum physics: I appreciate the inexplicable beauty of quadratic equations, but make to claim to be able to fathom the depth of pi. This story was never meant to demonstrate perspicacity of the female mind; it was presented to expound in an unfiltered way on the mind of men in general and myself in particular.
A couple more quick points. Should every woman I’m mildly attracted to be dying to have sex with me? I certainly hope not, I just haven’t the time. All kidding aside, I’m on record as saying entering into a sexual relationship with anyone is based on a complex set of variables. Bottom line: go with the flow. That might mean first night nookie, as it did in this case, or waiting five years to marry a virgin. Am I happy? Most of the time, but I tend to see happiness as ebb and flow; everyone has times in their life when they will be happy or sad, and I accept that and everything that comes in-between. As a final thought, kudos on your lasting marriage. I certainly hope it means you are happily married, but I know duration is no guarantee of happiness. My ex-wife’s parents have been married for over forty years and will never separate, they just hate each other.
Like or Dislike: Thumb up 0 Thumb down 0
Change You Can Believe In: Yourself
Quick to Pass Judgment
Why Some People Hate Valentine’s Day
I’m Single on Valentine’s Day
My Secret Social Identity
What Exactly Is Dating? It’s Ambiguous.
Why Love Is Not a First Sight Thing
Chivalry Makes Women Feel Good
Relationship Experts: Hate The Player Or The Game?
The Double Standard of Men and Women
The Double Standard of Men and Women
The Double Standard of Men and Women
8 Ways to Make a Guy Not Want to Sleep with You
8 Ways to Make a Woman NOT Want to Sleep with You
15jackie March 5, 2010 at 7:12 AM
Bill, when I first read this, I thought maybe our differences in viewpoints might due to a generation gap–I havent heard anyone use the expression ‘third base’ since third grade. But if my math is correct, you got married somewhere in the late 60s/early 70s, which means you came to adulthood during the American sexual revolution. I guess masturbation and premarital sex were invented in the 80s.
In any case, yes, I do think a lot of myself, but never do I make the claim that I ‘understand women.’ That’s tantamount to saying I understand quantum physics: I appreciate the inexplicable beauty of quadratic equations, but make to claim to be able to fathom the depth of pi. This story was never meant to demonstrate perspicacity of the female mind; it was presented to expound in an unfiltered way on the mind of men in general and myself in particular.
A couple more quick points. Should every woman I’m mildly attracted to be dying to have sex with me? I certainly hope not, I just haven’t the time. All kidding aside, I’m on record as saying entering into a sexual relationship with anyone is based on a complex set of variables. Bottom line: go with the flow. That might mean first night nookie, as it did in this case, or waiting five years to marry a virgin. Am I happy? Most of the time, but I tend to see happiness as ebb and flow; everyone has times in their life when they will be happy or sad, and I accept that and everything that comes in-between. As a final thought, kudos on your lasting marriage. I certainly hope it means you are happily married, but I know duration is no guarantee of happiness. My ex-wife’s parents have been married for over forty years and will never separate, they just hate each other.
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bricolage du vendredi
bricolage du vendredi
Début de l'événement
01.12.2023 - 16:00
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01.12.2023 - 18:00
comission subventions
comission subventions
Les gens qui aiment les cerfaS.
Début de l'événement
14.12.2023 - 16:00
Fin de l'événement
14.12.2023 - 17:00
Dear Matchmaker: I’m Single NOT Desperate
Dear Matchmaker: I’m Single NOT Desperate
An Ode to Emily
More Than Meets The Eyes
Should I Tell Her How I Feel?
The Play Date
Dogs, Cats, and the Art of Dating: Lessons from the Cab Ride
The Colorado Connection That Could Never Be
When Love Feels Like a DIY Project: The Fixer-Upper Dilemma
Why Men Marry Some Women and Not Others
Should You Settle?
Is There Hope For The Gender Gap?
Cheating is a Cop Out
The Dance of Second Chances
I appreciate when people want to set me up with their single friends. However, some people get overly invested in their role as matchmaker. Just because I am single and their friend is single does not mean that it’s a match made in heaven. When I tell them that I am not interested in their friend, they get offended and a slew of arguments soon follow:
“How do you already know?”
“You haven’t even given her a chance?”
“You may like her later when you get to know her.”
“Chemistry doesn’t happen right away, you know.”
“How come you’re not attracted to her? She’s beautiful.”
When they become incessant, it becomes a disservice to their friend because it pushes me further away. It is as if these matchmakers are more of an expert on me than ME I’ve been dating for most of my life, so I know what I like, don’t like, am attracted to, feel chemistry with, and if there’s potential. Anyway, I’m still figuring out how to tactfully let these matchmakers understand that I appreciate their intentions but that I am not interested.
More Than Meets The Eyes
Should I Tell Her How I Feel?
The Play Date
Dogs, Cats, and the Art of Dating: Lessons from the Cab Ride
The Colorado Connection That Could Never Be
When Love Feels Like a DIY Project: The Fixer-Upper Dilemma
Why Men Marry Some Women and Not Others
Should You Settle?
Is There Hope For The Gender Gap?
Cheating is a Cop Out
The Dance of Second Chances
I appreciate when people want to set me up with their single friends. However, some people get overly invested in their role as matchmaker. Just because I am single and their friend is single does not mean that it’s a match made in heaven. When I tell them that I am not interested in their friend, they get offended and a slew of arguments soon follow:
“How do you already know?”
“You haven’t even given her a chance?”
“You may like her later when you get to know her.”
“Chemistry doesn’t happen right away, you know.”
“How come you’re not attracted to her? She’s beautiful.”
When they become incessant, it becomes a disservice to their friend because it pushes me further away. It is as if these matchmakers are more of an expert on me than ME I’ve been dating for most of my life, so I know what I like, don’t like, am attracted to, feel chemistry with, and if there’s potential. Anyway, I’m still figuring out how to tactfully let these matchmakers understand that I appreciate their intentions but that I am not interested.
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Fin de l'événement
debug ipmi sol - session 0x2f8 - F0rth
debug ipmi sol - session 0x2f8 - F0rth
Début de l'événement
28.11.2023 - 14:00
Fin de l'événement
28.11.2023 - 16:00
Digital Dating Diaries: The Realities of Finding Love Online
Digital Dating Diaries: The Realities of Finding Love Online
I think, much like Michael, the true test of what Whitney Houston meant to America, and particularly Black America is how much of our experiences she’s tied to. If you grew up in the 80s then Whitney was absolutely apart of your life. I remember the long ass road trips with my Black man from Alabama ass father blasting the I’m Your Baby Tonight album. My father used to ask my mother to put Whitney Houston (and later Mariah Carey) under the Christmas tree for him every year. Every. Year. My daddy wasn’t sh*t.
And don’t even get me started on the Waiting To Exhale soundtrack. I still bump that (real talk). There’s an odd connection we all feel in the Black community (and maybe white artists do too) to our artists, especially the larger than life ones. Maybe it’s because music is the one escape most of us have in a life filled with so much struggle. Artists like Whitney blew the lid off what we could achieve and what was expected and even though she sang pop music, she sang it in a way that wasn’t selling out. You can’t fake a voice like that and there’s no way to sell out with an instrument like that.
Whitney Houston was family. Hell, she still is family. She’s so much family that many of us are ACTUALLY really concerned about Bobbi Kristina…and Bobby Brown. And I’m not even sure Whitney liked him anymore. But this is what happens when family passes. And there’s a certain sadness that will persist for a while. She was an icon. She was a legend. And its hard to believe that she’s gone. But she’s one of those that will live forever. She has no choice. She made too much of an impact while she was here. There are very few artists today who aren’t influenced by her.
Plus, she has one of the most iconic “big leagues” of all time in her remake of “I Will Always Love You”. It’s a perfect rendition. With a perfect voice.
And yes, the Whitney tribute was short. And yes, we all wanted more. Did Whitney get shortchanged? Possibly.
But that’s second to the fact that the voice is gone.
I’m all over the place here, so I’ll just end this here:
Whitney, I wish to you joy, and happiness…but above all this, I wish you love.
We love you. And miss you. RIP.
You Might Be Interested TO Read Also:
Three Men To Avoid At The Bar
About Bad Guys And The Women Who Love Them
The Gangsta’s Guide To Watching Chick Flicks
When Your Valentine is Your Daughter
How To Date Like A Psychopath
What Women Find Irresistible
What Exactly Makes a “Good” Parent?
Who’s the No. 1 Woman in a Man’s Life?
Spouse or Parents…or Kids: Who Rank “First?”
We All Know That Black Girls Do That Right?
Modern Male Emasculation
The Surprising Power of a Simple Word in Dating
And don’t even get me started on the Waiting To Exhale soundtrack. I still bump that (real talk). There’s an odd connection we all feel in the Black community (and maybe white artists do too) to our artists, especially the larger than life ones. Maybe it’s because music is the one escape most of us have in a life filled with so much struggle. Artists like Whitney blew the lid off what we could achieve and what was expected and even though she sang pop music, she sang it in a way that wasn’t selling out. You can’t fake a voice like that and there’s no way to sell out with an instrument like that.
Whitney Houston was family. Hell, she still is family. She’s so much family that many of us are ACTUALLY really concerned about Bobbi Kristina…and Bobby Brown. And I’m not even sure Whitney liked him anymore. But this is what happens when family passes. And there’s a certain sadness that will persist for a while. She was an icon. She was a legend. And its hard to believe that she’s gone. But she’s one of those that will live forever. She has no choice. She made too much of an impact while she was here. There are very few artists today who aren’t influenced by her.
Plus, she has one of the most iconic “big leagues” of all time in her remake of “I Will Always Love You”. It’s a perfect rendition. With a perfect voice.
And yes, the Whitney tribute was short. And yes, we all wanted more. Did Whitney get shortchanged? Possibly.
But that’s second to the fact that the voice is gone.
I’m all over the place here, so I’ll just end this here:
Whitney, I wish to you joy, and happiness…but above all this, I wish you love.
We love you. And miss you. RIP.
You Might Be Interested TO Read Also:
Three Men To Avoid At The Bar
About Bad Guys And The Women Who Love Them
The Gangsta’s Guide To Watching Chick Flicks
When Your Valentine is Your Daughter
How To Date Like A Psychopath
What Women Find Irresistible
What Exactly Makes a “Good” Parent?
Who’s the No. 1 Woman in a Man’s Life?
Spouse or Parents…or Kids: Who Rank “First?”
We All Know That Black Girls Do That Right?
Modern Male Emasculation
The Surprising Power of a Simple Word in Dating
Début de l'événement
Fin de l'événement
Finding real love in the ashes
Finding real love in the ashes
Why Is Self-Esteem Important For Dating?
Top Free and Paid Online Dating Websites
Seizing New Dating Opportunities
The Perfect Movie Date at Home
Single Men Don’t Have Body Image Issues
What Makes a Good Man or a Good Woman?
Equating ‘Sexuality’ with Male Sexuality
Why in the World Would I Ever Get Married?
How Jealousy Can Work For Us
The Catalano Generation is Revolutionizing Dating
Mexico City's Short-Term Marriage Proposal
Even in Relationship You’re All Alone
I Lack the Commitment Gene
Stop Crying and Be a Man
It is hard to find love. You get so caught up in the minutia of everything about dating that you forget to feel. What is love? Have you ever really, truly loved? These are questions that preoccupy my mind a lot lately. Guys you think you could love come and go, and the impression they left were ephemeral. But then…the indelible impression of that one, or those few. You can’t seem to shake them. That is the turmoil I am stuck in right now. I have more than one yet I don’t know why. I can busy myself with the thoughts of one of them if I feel the hurt of another. But it makes me wonder, is this really love?
There are only a few of these guys that left that indelible impression on me, and I knew it the moment I saw them. Kind of like the love at first sight thing, however, the love part never fully blossomed into a relationship of any relevance. But, their impression persists. Did they get under my skin somehow? Did they trigger something in me that reminded me of someone else? Do I need to work out some issues with them? Are they just really personable and a joy to be around? All of these are valid thoughts, but I was never able to sort them all out to reveal the answer to my question: was my love real?
And then one day I had a revelation. It was the end of the shittiest week ever. I was broken and beaten down. I had nothing left to give. I was in pain…deep, profound pain. I longed for someone. Out of habit, I called my ex. This should quench my urge to feel comforted by someone. As soon as he picked up the phone, I knew he was not the one. By the time I hung up, I felt worse.
And then the impressions of my loves bubbled to the surface. I focused on one of them, but everything in my being wanted nothing to do with him. That was odd, because all week all I was doing in my conscious life was obsessing about him. And then, out of nowhere, one rose to the top. He was the one, the one I was looking for. The one that made me feel comforted by even just a thought of him. My heart, body and entire being ached for him. But, ironically, I did not have the urge to contact him, at least not in that moment. Another day I will deal with the minutia. For now, I wanted the part of him that belonged to my soul and that was enough. This was real. This was my love. And this is what made me believe that true love exists.
Top Free and Paid Online Dating Websites
Seizing New Dating Opportunities
The Perfect Movie Date at Home
Single Men Don’t Have Body Image Issues
What Makes a Good Man or a Good Woman?
Equating ‘Sexuality’ with Male Sexuality
Why in the World Would I Ever Get Married?
How Jealousy Can Work For Us
The Catalano Generation is Revolutionizing Dating
Mexico City's Short-Term Marriage Proposal
Even in Relationship You’re All Alone
I Lack the Commitment Gene
Stop Crying and Be a Man
It is hard to find love. You get so caught up in the minutia of everything about dating that you forget to feel. What is love? Have you ever really, truly loved? These are questions that preoccupy my mind a lot lately. Guys you think you could love come and go, and the impression they left were ephemeral. But then…the indelible impression of that one, or those few. You can’t seem to shake them. That is the turmoil I am stuck in right now. I have more than one yet I don’t know why. I can busy myself with the thoughts of one of them if I feel the hurt of another. But it makes me wonder, is this really love?
There are only a few of these guys that left that indelible impression on me, and I knew it the moment I saw them. Kind of like the love at first sight thing, however, the love part never fully blossomed into a relationship of any relevance. But, their impression persists. Did they get under my skin somehow? Did they trigger something in me that reminded me of someone else? Do I need to work out some issues with them? Are they just really personable and a joy to be around? All of these are valid thoughts, but I was never able to sort them all out to reveal the answer to my question: was my love real?
And then one day I had a revelation. It was the end of the shittiest week ever. I was broken and beaten down. I had nothing left to give. I was in pain…deep, profound pain. I longed for someone. Out of habit, I called my ex. This should quench my urge to feel comforted by someone. As soon as he picked up the phone, I knew he was not the one. By the time I hung up, I felt worse.
And then the impressions of my loves bubbled to the surface. I focused on one of them, but everything in my being wanted nothing to do with him. That was odd, because all week all I was doing in my conscious life was obsessing about him. And then, out of nowhere, one rose to the top. He was the one, the one I was looking for. The one that made me feel comforted by even just a thought of him. My heart, body and entire being ached for him. But, ironically, I did not have the urge to contact him, at least not in that moment. Another day I will deal with the minutia. For now, I wanted the part of him that belonged to my soul and that was enough. This was real. This was my love. And this is what made me believe that true love exists.
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GT subventions
GT subventions
Groupe de Travail des gens qui aiment les Cerfa.
Début de l'événement
30.11.2023 - 15:00
Fin de l'événement
30.11.2023 - 17:00
How Much Experience Is Too Much?
How Much Experience Is Too Much?
Ladies We Need Answers
The Difference Between Girls and Women
On Dating: Experienced or Just Plain Damaged?
A Chosen Season: On Being Single in My Late 20s
The Painful Friends With Benefits Cycle
10 Reasons Why You Might Still Be Single
The Things Women Say That Piss Off Men
Challenges Of A Male Relationship Blogger
Why Relationships Commitment Scares Me
The Dumbest Arguments Couples Have
Don’t Tell Me Where To Be Romantic!
Tickle Me Cheater
October 21, 2009 8:45 am
Four men with a solid rep of knowing about women, Epoxy, Obsidian, myself, and Tupac
Can’t comment about Obs, Epx or Tup., but in your case, don’t you mean “solid rep of knowing about sexbots”?
Tupac Chopra PERMALINK
October 21, 2009 10:41 am
That said, I’m rather skeptical that any of you are at all like Epoxy. Because, frankly, if you are, then you shouldn’t be telling girls to settle for non-Alphas — as the world is overflowing with them.
Are you implying I said women should settle for non-Alphas? Or are you just LYING again (if only a LI’L)?
In any event, are you saying that women should hold out for the relatively small slice of the 10-20% alphas?
Quite frankly I don’t see how one being an alpha or not determines the kind of advice one might give to women as a group.
Tupac Chopra PERMALINK
October 21, 2009 10:42 am
That said, I’m rather skeptical that any of you are at all like Epoxy. Because, frankly, if you are, then you shouldn’t be telling girls to settle for non-Alphas — as the world is overflowing with them.
Are you implying I said women should settle for non-Alphas? Or are you just LYING again (if only a LI’L)?
In any event, are you saying that women should hold out for the relatively small slice of the 10-20% alphas?
The Difference Between Girls and Women
On Dating: Experienced or Just Plain Damaged?
A Chosen Season: On Being Single in My Late 20s
The Painful Friends With Benefits Cycle
10 Reasons Why You Might Still Be Single
The Things Women Say That Piss Off Men
Challenges Of A Male Relationship Blogger
Why Relationships Commitment Scares Me
The Dumbest Arguments Couples Have
Don’t Tell Me Where To Be Romantic!
Tickle Me Cheater
October 21, 2009 8:45 am
Four men with a solid rep of knowing about women, Epoxy, Obsidian, myself, and Tupac
Can’t comment about Obs, Epx or Tup., but in your case, don’t you mean “solid rep of knowing about sexbots”?
Tupac Chopra PERMALINK
October 21, 2009 10:41 am
That said, I’m rather skeptical that any of you are at all like Epoxy. Because, frankly, if you are, then you shouldn’t be telling girls to settle for non-Alphas — as the world is overflowing with them.
Are you implying I said women should settle for non-Alphas? Or are you just LYING again (if only a LI’L)?
In any event, are you saying that women should hold out for the relatively small slice of the 10-20% alphas?
Quite frankly I don’t see how one being an alpha or not determines the kind of advice one might give to women as a group.
Tupac Chopra PERMALINK
October 21, 2009 10:42 am
That said, I’m rather skeptical that any of you are at all like Epoxy. Because, frankly, if you are, then you shouldn’t be telling girls to settle for non-Alphas — as the world is overflowing with them.
Are you implying I said women should settle for non-Alphas? Or are you just LYING again (if only a LI’L)?
In any event, are you saying that women should hold out for the relatively small slice of the 10-20% alphas?
Début de l'événement
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la perm du nouvel'an
la perm du nouvel'an
On mange des trucs et on répare des machines.
Début de l'événement
03.01.2024 - 16:00
Fin de l'événement
03.01.2024 - 18:00
le grand rangement!!!
le grand rangement!!!
Permanence dédié au rangement/amenagement du local(pas de dépanage...)
Tu sais poser une étagère, trier des cables ou faire du café... alors tu es bienvenue!! ;-)
Tu sais poser une étagère, trier des cables ou faire du café... alors tu es bienvenue!! ;-)
Début de l'événement
07.02.2024 - 13:00
Fin de l'événement
07.02.2024 - 18:00
On Catholic priests and ‘illicit relationships’
On Catholic priests and ‘illicit relationships’
Settling for Mr. “Good Enough”
Can You Really Settle for Love?
Is the Modern Hook-Up Really a Threat?
How the World Makes Love
Notes On Soul Mates and Sails
What I Miss (and Don’t Miss) About My Wedding Ring
The Rise of Polyamory in Modern Society
My Mexican Summer Fling
Using Magic to Find Love
Can You Be Friends With Your Ex Right Away?
Love Addict: Do You Just Know?
The Two-Sided Tale of a One-Night Stand
Carmelo Abbate, an Italian investigative journalist, went James Bond to explore the hidden world of sex within the Catholic church. He documented thousands of priests who had children with women they couldn’t marry, gay priests who paid for sex from escorts in Rome, and some who paid their lovers hush-money. Women were even forced to have abortions or give up their newborns for adoption to keep things on the DL.
The relationships go against what the Vatican teaches about celibacy and homosexuality.
Abbate said:
At the time the Church said that these were just isolated incidents. I wanted to explore whether that was true and what I was found was that the phenomenon is much, much wider.
He also cites research that indicate that up to 1/3 of Catholic priests in the US are gay, and 25% are in hetero relationships (Germany and Austria also report similar findings). The book has been released in Italian only, but British publishers are interested in buying the rights.
Can You Really Settle for Love?
Is the Modern Hook-Up Really a Threat?
How the World Makes Love
Notes On Soul Mates and Sails
What I Miss (and Don’t Miss) About My Wedding Ring
The Rise of Polyamory in Modern Society
My Mexican Summer Fling
Using Magic to Find Love
Can You Be Friends With Your Ex Right Away?
Love Addict: Do You Just Know?
The Two-Sided Tale of a One-Night Stand
Carmelo Abbate, an Italian investigative journalist, went James Bond to explore the hidden world of sex within the Catholic church. He documented thousands of priests who had children with women they couldn’t marry, gay priests who paid for sex from escorts in Rome, and some who paid their lovers hush-money. Women were even forced to have abortions or give up their newborns for adoption to keep things on the DL.
The relationships go against what the Vatican teaches about celibacy and homosexuality.
Abbate said:
At the time the Church said that these were just isolated incidents. I wanted to explore whether that was true and what I was found was that the phenomenon is much, much wider.
He also cites research that indicate that up to 1/3 of Catholic priests in the US are gay, and 25% are in hetero relationships (Germany and Austria also report similar findings). The book has been released in Italian only, but British publishers are interested in buying the rights.
Début de l'événement
Fin de l'événement
petite permanence
petite permanence
petite permanence des vacances
Début de l'événement
17.04.2024 - 16:00
Fin de l'événement
17.04.2024 - 18:00
Picture Perfect or Perfectly Awkward? Decoding the Flirty Photo Game
Picture Perfect or Perfectly Awkward? Decoding the Flirty Photo Game
A Relationship Evolved (and Happy Birthday To My Ex)
The Unforgettable First Kiss
Jealousy Versus Envy
Love Addict: The Pregnancy Dilemma
How Do You Help Someone Who Doesn’t Want Help?
Most Radical Relationship Books On the Market
We Hold Ourselves Back
What Happens When You Actually In Relationship??
Is a Same-Sex Encounter Important in Living Holistically?
You’re a Selfish Bitch and That’s Why You’re Not Married
Learning How to Love Yourself
Love Addict: Writing the Personal
How Do You Learn to Let Go?
Escalate the above step when it feels right by working in bras and underwear. Can be the same night, but usually is a different night or it’ll feel artificial to her. I’d say only work it in the same night if you see a bra strap and tell her to match the bra to the outfit or she starts sending pics without a shirt without prompting.
At that point it’ll feel natural to both of you and she’ll be in the mood. I’ve also never had to send nudes back. So far my penis has never been a picture I have to send to a woman.
Other option if you’re looking for something quicker…. just take a picture mid sex/BJ the first time you bang. Don’t ask, just do it. After that, there’s really no inhibitions on her side about the situation.
Girl sent me some a few weeks ago, followed by “Come on, don’t I get any?” Sent her a well-lit shot of my balls. Banged next day.
If you follow methods 1, 3, or 4, you have a 55.4% chance of getting naked pictures, but methods 2, 5, and 8 have only a 48.4% chance.
Glad you made this post. Here’s a great way to gauge interest from a girl. Send her this text:
‘send me a pic’
And see what she comes back with. If it’s nude or semi nude or something implied (like skimpy clothing with THO, etc), you can press on with:
‘that’s all you got’
And so on. Incoming nudes before you know.
Of course if they start sending you pics without you even asking, that’s even better.
Bonus alpha points if you don’t respond. If she bugs you ‘you didn’t even comment on my pics’, reply with ‘nice’.
The Unforgettable First Kiss
Jealousy Versus Envy
Love Addict: The Pregnancy Dilemma
How Do You Help Someone Who Doesn’t Want Help?
Most Radical Relationship Books On the Market
We Hold Ourselves Back
What Happens When You Actually In Relationship??
Is a Same-Sex Encounter Important in Living Holistically?
You’re a Selfish Bitch and That’s Why You’re Not Married
Learning How to Love Yourself
Love Addict: Writing the Personal
How Do You Learn to Let Go?
Escalate the above step when it feels right by working in bras and underwear. Can be the same night, but usually is a different night or it’ll feel artificial to her. I’d say only work it in the same night if you see a bra strap and tell her to match the bra to the outfit or she starts sending pics without a shirt without prompting.
At that point it’ll feel natural to both of you and she’ll be in the mood. I’ve also never had to send nudes back. So far my penis has never been a picture I have to send to a woman.
Other option if you’re looking for something quicker…. just take a picture mid sex/BJ the first time you bang. Don’t ask, just do it. After that, there’s really no inhibitions on her side about the situation.
Girl sent me some a few weeks ago, followed by “Come on, don’t I get any?” Sent her a well-lit shot of my balls. Banged next day.
If you follow methods 1, 3, or 4, you have a 55.4% chance of getting naked pictures, but methods 2, 5, and 8 have only a 48.4% chance.
Glad you made this post. Here’s a great way to gauge interest from a girl. Send her this text:
‘send me a pic’
And see what she comes back with. If it’s nude or semi nude or something implied (like skimpy clothing with THO, etc), you can press on with:
‘that’s all you got’
And so on. Incoming nudes before you know.
Of course if they start sending you pics without you even asking, that’s even better.
Bonus alpha points if you don’t respond. If she bugs you ‘you didn’t even comment on my pics’, reply with ‘nice’.
Début de l'événement
Fin de l'événement
réparation de la porte après tentative d'effraction...🙃+bricolage comme d'hab'!
réparation de la porte après tentative d'effraction...🙃+bricolage comme d'hab'!
Début de l'événement
27.03.2024 - 16:00
Fin de l'événement
27.03.2024 - 18:00
session debug des VM oklm - F0rth
session debug des VM oklm - F0rth
Début de l'événement
26.11.2023 - 14:45
Fin de l'événement
26.11.2023 - 15:45
She Gave Me Her Email, Not Her Phone Number—And It Changed Me
She Gave Me Her Email, Not Her Phone Number—And It Changed Me
Rediscovering Love on My Own Terms
Single Men Who Want More Women
Open Letter To Men Who Want More
For Men Who Love Poly Dating
Progressive Love Applauds Too $hort
Is Love the Most Feared Emotion?
Love Kills Self Love & Self Esteem
Are Nagging & Cheating Equally Damaging?
Why Do We Fall In Love? Is It Healthy?
Why Master Monogamy
“Islam does not permit soldiers of the Islamic army to have sexual relations with women they capture in war. Islamic Law requires that such women should first be handed over to the government, which then has the right to decide what should be done with them. It may either set them free unconditionally, release them on payment of ransom, exchange them for Muslim prisoners of war held by the enemy or distribute them among the soldiers. A soldier may have sexual relations only with that woman who has been entrusted to him by the government.
It is not necessary for female captives of war to be People of the Book in order that sexual relations with them be permitted. The man to whom such a woman is entrusted has the right to have sexual relations with her regardless of her religious affiliations.
Although the Law has fixed the maximum number of wives at four, it has set no limit with regard to slave-girls. The Law does not lay down a limit in order to encourage people to accumulate huge armies of slave-girls, and thereby turn their homes into dens of sexual enjoyment. Rather the Law does not define the limit because the effects of war and the total number of female captives that would have to be disposed of after a certain war are unpredictable.”
Link: http://www.tafheem.net
That’s not a future I want for anyone. I don’t want to make this post any longer, but rape, kidnapping, and forced conversion to Islam by Muslims towards Christians, Hindu’s, and Sikh’s in Pakistan is still very common. I’ll also add that the US has seen similar sex trafficking rings here in the US, only with Somali Muslims(who have the same contempt of all non-Muslims as their Pakistani brethren). Link: http://www.foxnews.com/us/2012/05/04/verdict-expected-in-somali-sex-trafficking-case/
As for Feminists moral blindness to Islam, it’s because Feminism, like much of the Left is driven by hatred and this hatred is existential in nature. In this case Feminists have an existential hatred of Western Civilization & Christianity which are seen as part of the “Patriarchy”. It is this existential hatred which blinds Feminism to what Islam is.
I’ve used this example before, but Michel Foucault is a good example of this blinding hatred. Foucault, a French Communist Philosopher and inveterate Homosexual, was absolutely enamoured of the Ayatollah Khomeini & his Revolution. Foucault even went to Iran even though Khomeini would have executed Foucault for being a homosexual and has done with homosexuals across Iran since 1979.
Single Men Who Want More Women
Open Letter To Men Who Want More
For Men Who Love Poly Dating
Progressive Love Applauds Too $hort
Is Love the Most Feared Emotion?
Love Kills Self Love & Self Esteem
Are Nagging & Cheating Equally Damaging?
Why Do We Fall In Love? Is It Healthy?
Why Master Monogamy
“Islam does not permit soldiers of the Islamic army to have sexual relations with women they capture in war. Islamic Law requires that such women should first be handed over to the government, which then has the right to decide what should be done with them. It may either set them free unconditionally, release them on payment of ransom, exchange them for Muslim prisoners of war held by the enemy or distribute them among the soldiers. A soldier may have sexual relations only with that woman who has been entrusted to him by the government.
It is not necessary for female captives of war to be People of the Book in order that sexual relations with them be permitted. The man to whom such a woman is entrusted has the right to have sexual relations with her regardless of her religious affiliations.
Although the Law has fixed the maximum number of wives at four, it has set no limit with regard to slave-girls. The Law does not lay down a limit in order to encourage people to accumulate huge armies of slave-girls, and thereby turn their homes into dens of sexual enjoyment. Rather the Law does not define the limit because the effects of war and the total number of female captives that would have to be disposed of after a certain war are unpredictable.”
Link: http://www.tafheem.net
That’s not a future I want for anyone. I don’t want to make this post any longer, but rape, kidnapping, and forced conversion to Islam by Muslims towards Christians, Hindu’s, and Sikh’s in Pakistan is still very common. I’ll also add that the US has seen similar sex trafficking rings here in the US, only with Somali Muslims(who have the same contempt of all non-Muslims as their Pakistani brethren). Link: http://www.foxnews.com/us/2012/05/04/verdict-expected-in-somali-sex-trafficking-case/
As for Feminists moral blindness to Islam, it’s because Feminism, like much of the Left is driven by hatred and this hatred is existential in nature. In this case Feminists have an existential hatred of Western Civilization & Christianity which are seen as part of the “Patriarchy”. It is this existential hatred which blinds Feminism to what Islam is.
I’ve used this example before, but Michel Foucault is a good example of this blinding hatred. Foucault, a French Communist Philosopher and inveterate Homosexual, was absolutely enamoured of the Ayatollah Khomeini & his Revolution. Foucault even went to Iran even though Khomeini would have executed Foucault for being a homosexual and has done with homosexuals across Iran since 1979.
Début de l'événement
Fin de l'événement
The Empowered Woman's Guide to Setting Boundaries in Love
The Empowered Woman's Guide to Setting Boundaries in Love
The 5 Warning Signs Of A Bad Relationship
Stop Comparing Us To Aidan From Sex And The City!
The Truth About Women’s Dating Blogs
Is Bradley Cooper The Male Carrie Bradshaw?
My Low-Maintenance Dream Girl Wishlist
The Little Things Women Do That Turn Men On
Being A Bitch Can Save Your Love Life
Why Your Dating Standards Start with You
The Backlash of Fornication for Single Christians
Learn to Trust God’s Warnings in Relationships
10 Qualities Saved Sisters Seek in a Man
Overcoming Dating Angst as a Christian
Then the CFC post goes on to say (and i really hope i’m not confusing the author with the comments) that we as feminists get use for our minds while he goes and gets his sexual kicks with a “jumpoff.” REALLY? A JUMPOFF? that’s the language and disdain we’re using to talk about women who DO sexually engage these men?? Because that woman can be US TOO. There’s not some rampart separating the women who are sexualized from the feminists who aren’t. We’re on all sides.
July 15, 2010 at 3:01 pm
“I think its healthy to challenge our challenge to patriarchy”
take away point of the day via Jo Nubian
Sister Toldja
July 15, 2010 at 3:24 pm
“That said, I’m having a harder time with the feminism-ain’t-disrupt-my-swerve-so-must-be-you posturing as an “argument” for dismissing the possibility that there could be something truly amiss for many women here that cannot always be attributed to individual “stuff.””
Stop Comparing Us To Aidan From Sex And The City!
The Truth About Women’s Dating Blogs
Is Bradley Cooper The Male Carrie Bradshaw?
My Low-Maintenance Dream Girl Wishlist
The Little Things Women Do That Turn Men On
Being A Bitch Can Save Your Love Life
Why Your Dating Standards Start with You
The Backlash of Fornication for Single Christians
Learn to Trust God’s Warnings in Relationships
10 Qualities Saved Sisters Seek in a Man
Overcoming Dating Angst as a Christian
Then the CFC post goes on to say (and i really hope i’m not confusing the author with the comments) that we as feminists get use for our minds while he goes and gets his sexual kicks with a “jumpoff.” REALLY? A JUMPOFF? that’s the language and disdain we’re using to talk about women who DO sexually engage these men?? Because that woman can be US TOO. There’s not some rampart separating the women who are sexualized from the feminists who aren’t. We’re on all sides.
July 15, 2010 at 3:01 pm
“I think its healthy to challenge our challenge to patriarchy”
take away point of the day via Jo Nubian
Sister Toldja
July 15, 2010 at 3:24 pm
“That said, I’m having a harder time with the feminism-ain’t-disrupt-my-swerve-so-must-be-you posturing as an “argument” for dismissing the possibility that there could be something truly amiss for many women here that cannot always be attributed to individual “stuff.””
Début de l'événement
Fin de l'événement
The Words That Shape Our Dating Anxieties
The Words That Shape Our Dating Anxieties
More On the Nuclear Family with Children Narrative
Loosening the Chains of the Nuclear Family
Kindness and Modern Dating
How to Navigate Uncertainty in Online Dating
A Dating Suggestion to the Deeply Frustrated
Rethinking Gender Norms in Modern Dating
Obsessing About Strangers
Two Dates in One
Texts Or Calls And Dating
Men Like a Challenge
Men Want to Feel Manly
Issues with the Language of Dating Angst
Internally, I kind of went "uh oh."
And then I said something about wanting to establish a relationship with the other person before deciding about children. That I don't think rushing to have children is a good idea.
She didn't seemed fazed.
"I just know I want to have children really soon. I can feel the clock ticking. It's time."
She was 31 years old. I get it that the clock starts getting loud in your thirties, but she had almost the whole of her thirties left - hardly at crisis point.
Here's the other thing about that situation that bothered me. The more I talked with her, the more I felt like she was looking for a man to father a child first, and a partner second. Now, maybe that works fine for some people, but to me, it was a total turn off. Just as it was for the woman in the story above.
At the same time, I'm thankful my date said all that really early on. I didn't have to get into a relationship with her, and then find out her main intentions after a few months, when things might have gotten much more complicated.
There's a good article over at The Good Men Project considering the question of sex on the first date. The author surveyed people amongst her Facebook cohort, and got a lot of interesting feedback on why people do and don't have sex on first dates. Some of the reasons are worth looking at a little more closely.
1. Slut-shaming. This is one of those gender based double-standards. Simply put, men still get away with having more sex with more partners without it having a negative effect on their overall reputation. Women, wrongly I think, are in the position of never knowing if having sex early on with a date will destroy their chances with him. Or if others will judge her for doing so, including other women.
Loosening the Chains of the Nuclear Family
Kindness and Modern Dating
How to Navigate Uncertainty in Online Dating
A Dating Suggestion to the Deeply Frustrated
Rethinking Gender Norms in Modern Dating
Obsessing About Strangers
Two Dates in One
Texts Or Calls And Dating
Men Like a Challenge
Men Want to Feel Manly
Issues with the Language of Dating Angst
Internally, I kind of went "uh oh."
And then I said something about wanting to establish a relationship with the other person before deciding about children. That I don't think rushing to have children is a good idea.
She didn't seemed fazed.
"I just know I want to have children really soon. I can feel the clock ticking. It's time."
She was 31 years old. I get it that the clock starts getting loud in your thirties, but she had almost the whole of her thirties left - hardly at crisis point.
Here's the other thing about that situation that bothered me. The more I talked with her, the more I felt like she was looking for a man to father a child first, and a partner second. Now, maybe that works fine for some people, but to me, it was a total turn off. Just as it was for the woman in the story above.
At the same time, I'm thankful my date said all that really early on. I didn't have to get into a relationship with her, and then find out her main intentions after a few months, when things might have gotten much more complicated.
There's a good article over at The Good Men Project considering the question of sex on the first date. The author surveyed people amongst her Facebook cohort, and got a lot of interesting feedback on why people do and don't have sex on first dates. Some of the reasons are worth looking at a little more closely.
1. Slut-shaming. This is one of those gender based double-standards. Simply put, men still get away with having more sex with more partners without it having a negative effect on their overall reputation. Women, wrongly I think, are in the position of never knowing if having sex early on with a date will destroy their chances with him. Or if others will judge her for doing so, including other women.
Début de l'événement
Fin de l'événement
Trusting Nothing: A Look at the Trust Crisis Among Women
Trusting Nothing: A Look at the Trust Crisis Among Women
Parenting and Relationships
Navigating Honesty in Modern Relationships
What Men REALLY Mean: A Guide for Women
How To Be Single And Sober
How A Glass Of Water Can Destroy Your Love
When Love Ignore Red Flags and Common Sense
Why You Shouldn’t Live Together Before Marriage
Shallow Men: A Big Waste
Real Relationships You’ll Never See In A Movie
What Men’s Behavior Reveals About Masculinity
My Problem With Church
Trust Issues: Why Women Don't Trust Men
…what’s the real problem?
But perhaps, I’ll probably not do that either. And I’m making a mountain out of a molehill.
(Couldn’t help myself.)
So good folks, what do you think about the record (video included uptop)? Is anybody else conflicted by this song? Does this record go to far in its sacrelige? Does it even go to far? Does it even matter?
I wrote this three years ago, as the beginning to a post about Erykah Badu’s Window Seat video. Aside from adding my own interpretation of Badu’s motives for creating this video, I somewhat condescendingly imply that her diehard fans are incapable of being objective when assessing her work.
I felt the same way while attending an event at the Andy Warhol Museum last weekend. That Warhol was a visionary deserving of all lauds and accolades is undeniable. But, the visit just reinforced the fact that when certain people reach a certain stature, anything they do is accepted as genius, including some things that garner “Wows” when they should be receiving a chorus of “WTFs.”
I guess you can argue that status is earned. If a newly found, ketchup-stained napkin with Warhol’s signature on it is able to command 1.6 million dollars at an auction, this says more about the transcendent force of Warhol’s talent that anything else. His resume allows him to receive the benefit of the doubt.
Navigating Honesty in Modern Relationships
What Men REALLY Mean: A Guide for Women
How To Be Single And Sober
How A Glass Of Water Can Destroy Your Love
When Love Ignore Red Flags and Common Sense
Why You Shouldn’t Live Together Before Marriage
Shallow Men: A Big Waste
Real Relationships You’ll Never See In A Movie
What Men’s Behavior Reveals About Masculinity
My Problem With Church
Trust Issues: Why Women Don't Trust Men
…what’s the real problem?
But perhaps, I’ll probably not do that either. And I’m making a mountain out of a molehill.
(Couldn’t help myself.)
So good folks, what do you think about the record (video included uptop)? Is anybody else conflicted by this song? Does this record go to far in its sacrelige? Does it even go to far? Does it even matter?
I wrote this three years ago, as the beginning to a post about Erykah Badu’s Window Seat video. Aside from adding my own interpretation of Badu’s motives for creating this video, I somewhat condescendingly imply that her diehard fans are incapable of being objective when assessing her work.
I felt the same way while attending an event at the Andy Warhol Museum last weekend. That Warhol was a visionary deserving of all lauds and accolades is undeniable. But, the visit just reinforced the fact that when certain people reach a certain stature, anything they do is accepted as genius, including some things that garner “Wows” when they should be receiving a chorus of “WTFs.”
I guess you can argue that status is earned. If a newly found, ketchup-stained napkin with Warhol’s signature on it is able to command 1.6 million dollars at an auction, this says more about the transcendent force of Warhol’s talent that anything else. His resume allows him to receive the benefit of the doubt.
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vm et café chaud - F0rth
vm et café chaud - F0rth
Début de l'événement
29.11.2023 - 10:00
Fin de l'événement
29.11.2023 - 12:00
What Really Works in Dating for Us Men
What Really Works in Dating for Us Men
Things Men Talk About When Women Aren’t Looking
Black Men Desirability: Unpacking Cultural Biases
Women' Things Men Struggle To Understand
Going Nowhere Fast, We’ve Reached Our Climax
Are Women Too Loyal for Their Own Good
Things Black People Say?
What Really Works For Us Chicks
Words I Hope My Daughter Never Says
Why Women Get a Pass on Things Men Can’t
5 Signs That You Might Be Dating a Zombie Who Might Zombie Apocalapyse Your A**
When it comes to dating, it’s easy to get caught up in advice that feels more like guesswork than genuine insight. As men, we often hear a mix of clichés: "Just be yourself," or "Play it cool." But after years of trial and error, I’ve found that what really works in dating is simpler—and more effective—than most of us think.
Women pick up on authenticity quickly. If you’re faking confidence, it’ll show. Instead of trying to impress her with flashy gestures or exaggerated stories, focus on what makes you unique. Whether it’s your sense of humor, your passion for something, or your ability to listen, leaning into your authentic self always wins.
Respect goes hand in hand with communication. This means respecting her boundaries, opinions, and time. Small actions, like showing up on time and giving her your full attention, speak volumes.
A memorable date doesn’t have to be extravagant. A coffee shop, a walk in the park, or even a shared hobby can create a meaningful connection when paired with effort and sincerity.
Black Men Desirability: Unpacking Cultural Biases
Women' Things Men Struggle To Understand
Going Nowhere Fast, We’ve Reached Our Climax
Are Women Too Loyal for Their Own Good
Things Black People Say?
What Really Works For Us Chicks
Words I Hope My Daughter Never Says
Why Women Get a Pass on Things Men Can’t
5 Signs That You Might Be Dating a Zombie Who Might Zombie Apocalapyse Your A**
When it comes to dating, it’s easy to get caught up in advice that feels more like guesswork than genuine insight. As men, we often hear a mix of clichés: "Just be yourself," or "Play it cool." But after years of trial and error, I’ve found that what really works in dating is simpler—and more effective—than most of us think.
1. Confidence That’s Genuine
Confidence is one of the most attractive traits we can bring to the table. But here’s the catch—it has to be real. Genuine confidence isn’t about bragging or pretending to be something you’re not. It’s about knowing who you are, what you want, and being comfortable in your own skin.Women pick up on authenticity quickly. If you’re faking confidence, it’ll show. Instead of trying to impress her with flashy gestures or exaggerated stories, focus on what makes you unique. Whether it’s your sense of humor, your passion for something, or your ability to listen, leaning into your authentic self always wins.
2. Clear Communication and Respect
Being upfront about your intentions is a game-changer. If you’re looking for something serious, say so. If you’re just seeing where things go, be honest about that too. Clear communication avoids misunderstandings and builds trust from the start.Respect goes hand in hand with communication. This means respecting her boundaries, opinions, and time. Small actions, like showing up on time and giving her your full attention, speak volumes.
3. Effort Without Overthinking
Finally, putting in effort matters. Plan a thoughtful date, ask questions to get to know her, and show genuine interest in her life. At the same time, don’t overthink every detail. Relax and enjoy the experience—you’ll come across as more engaging and confident.A memorable date doesn’t have to be extravagant. A coffee shop, a walk in the park, or even a shared hobby can create a meaningful connection when paired with effort and sincerity.
Conclusion: Keep It Simple and Real
What really works in dating for us men is straightforward: be authentic, communicate clearly, and show respect and effort. Forget the games and focus on building genuine connections. It’s not about perfection—it’s about being real. And that’s what truly makes the difference.
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When Does Turning Your Girl On After a Fight Go Too Far?
When Does Turning Your Girl On After a Fight Go Too Far?
Observations About Dance and Modern Relationships
The Savvy Woman’s Guide To Decoding Men On Twitter
The Kind of Woman a Man Never Forgets
News Flash: That Guy You're With Is a Pig
99 Remedies For the Relationship Impaired
Riding In Cars With Girls
Advice To My Teen Son About Women And Dating
Why Boys And Girls Need Different Dating Advice
Think Like A Man
What Makes You So Sure You're Wife Material
When Smart People Make Dumb Dating Decisions
It’s not just that women dislike nerdy guys personally – they do, but it’s more than that, they believe all of society should dislike them as well.
That’s why you see accusations of misogyny in the IT sector even when most workers in that area are actually far less misogynist than the average guy. It’s not that there’s really misogyny there, it’s just that women despise male nerds and will do everything they can to tear them down.
Getting more women into (fill in the blank), like all other aspects of feminism, requires government intervention. While this massive cultural pumping operation grossly distorts the real economy it is looking like our permanent future. The Agricultural and Industrial Revolutions have been followed by the Patronage Revolution where the spoils of fiat money creation and of taxing the productive are distributed by big government to favored classes in a world of an ever-dwindling supply of actual work.
e clock as you wait for mama to return, you’ve got to do a lot of the errands, and when there’s a new baby in the house, there are a lot of errands to do.
Given the extra workload on mother and father, the best solution is to give both some time to dedicate to the new baby while he or she progresses past the neonate stage and starts to develop a routine.
In Washington state, women are guaranteed three months of leave if they work for a company with over 50 employees. Men have no such guarantee, although many companies will work with new fathers and give them some time off. Paid leave, unfortunately, is usually the privilege of the professional class; a perk extended to those who already get paid pretty well. Ordinary workers have to make do on savings.
While I’m not usually a proponent of socialism, rearing the next generation, despite genocidal leftist fantasies about electing a new people, ranks pretty high up there in national priorities. And if it’s about the bottom line, parental leave can mitigate a lot of the stress of early parenthood which could otherwise result in higher rates of family dysfunction, divorce and the resulting loss of productivity and human capital. From my own experience, a combined total of six months parental leave would be a fair and realistic standard to shoot for in the US. Perhaps parents could split it up as they choose, with the mother taking four months and the father two in a typical situation (most men are plenty happy to go back to work after two months at home with a baby).
The Savvy Woman’s Guide To Decoding Men On Twitter
The Kind of Woman a Man Never Forgets
News Flash: That Guy You're With Is a Pig
99 Remedies For the Relationship Impaired
Riding In Cars With Girls
Advice To My Teen Son About Women And Dating
Why Boys And Girls Need Different Dating Advice
Think Like A Man
What Makes You So Sure You're Wife Material
When Smart People Make Dumb Dating Decisions
It’s not just that women dislike nerdy guys personally – they do, but it’s more than that, they believe all of society should dislike them as well.
That’s why you see accusations of misogyny in the IT sector even when most workers in that area are actually far less misogynist than the average guy. It’s not that there’s really misogyny there, it’s just that women despise male nerds and will do everything they can to tear them down.
Getting more women into (fill in the blank), like all other aspects of feminism, requires government intervention. While this massive cultural pumping operation grossly distorts the real economy it is looking like our permanent future. The Agricultural and Industrial Revolutions have been followed by the Patronage Revolution where the spoils of fiat money creation and of taxing the productive are distributed by big government to favored classes in a world of an ever-dwindling supply of actual work.
e clock as you wait for mama to return, you’ve got to do a lot of the errands, and when there’s a new baby in the house, there are a lot of errands to do.
Given the extra workload on mother and father, the best solution is to give both some time to dedicate to the new baby while he or she progresses past the neonate stage and starts to develop a routine.
In Washington state, women are guaranteed three months of leave if they work for a company with over 50 employees. Men have no such guarantee, although many companies will work with new fathers and give them some time off. Paid leave, unfortunately, is usually the privilege of the professional class; a perk extended to those who already get paid pretty well. Ordinary workers have to make do on savings.
While I’m not usually a proponent of socialism, rearing the next generation, despite genocidal leftist fantasies about electing a new people, ranks pretty high up there in national priorities. And if it’s about the bottom line, parental leave can mitigate a lot of the stress of early parenthood which could otherwise result in higher rates of family dysfunction, divorce and the resulting loss of productivity and human capital. From my own experience, a combined total of six months parental leave would be a fair and realistic standard to shoot for in the US. Perhaps parents could split it up as they choose, with the mother taking four months and the father two in a typical situation (most men are plenty happy to go back to work after two months at home with a baby).
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